I’m a dad, a husband, and I run 5 miles every other day. I live in Hancock Michigan, which according to the weather channel is the third snowiest city in the U.S. When It’s cold I like to snowboard, when it’s warm I play disc golf and enjoy the outdoors in general. I’m also a creative professional, and I’m for hire.

I have over 15 years of graphic design/art direction experience. I have worked mostly with power tool brands, and along the way I found myself working for a university or two, I also take on local projects that interest me.

Just to clarify video editing is NOT my specialty. I put this together as a learning project while exploring the video capabilities in Photoshop during the early stages of the pandemic. I have since dabbled in After Effects as a better video editing solution, but this is just a fun introduction to some of my print & digital work. So if you have 1 minute and 27 seconds on your hands, enjoy!